Hello! We here at DoodlePop welcome you to our sweets shop! DoodlePop is your one-POP-shop for all things sweet, creamy, and fun.

Choose from a variety of pastries and candy to see which tasty treat satisfies your sweet tooth

We're so excited to be serving such a wonderful and supportive community! We thank you all for our business' continued services
and especially our newest patron. Due to their support, our business is back now better than ever and we're delighted to bring the
POP back to this city's population! Our business was founded back in 1912 and ever since then, we have been serving up tasty treats
with a side of smiles to this beloved community of Gravesfield. DoodlePop is a family-owned business that has traded many hands
over the generations and our current owner, Mark Hallows, makes sure that every product we make, bake, and sell is cooked to perfection.

In 2008 DoodlePop faced bankruptcy and we had to close our shop for a few years due to lack of sufficient funds. But with our
community's support and the help of our newest patron, DoodlePop doesn't hope to close our shop again anytime soon!

Thank you again to all of you out there and we hope to serve you for generations to come!

Choose from one of our three categories of sweets




DoodlePop will soon ship worldwide!